
Real-time, full-stack application monitoring for financial services

Connect the dots between critical financial applications for absolute visibility into trading and banking ecosystems. Monitor everything from legacy systems to complex cloud-based technologies in a single intuitive platform.


Eliminate blind spots and unpredictability across the entire financial topology 

  • Leverage real-time application monitoring for insight into granular details about application and performance metrics affecting end-user experience. 
  • Advantage low latency monitoring to troubleshoot and quickly identify and ensure that applications run faster and more smoothly well before customers notice a problem. 

  • Easily scale up or down for optimal cost-effectiveness as your financial services business requires whether you are running 10,000 or 100,000 servers. 

  • Get timely, accurate, real-time data feeds that are critical for financial business competitiveness.  



Get real-time alerts and notifications in fractions of a second not minutes 

  • Avoid high latency between notifications and alerts leading to unnecessary delays with meantime to resolution (MTTR).  

  • Set up automatic remedial actions to fix performance issues across the trade lifecycle in real-time. 

  • Eliminate, suppress and mitigate noise from alert storms that hurt productivity and profitability in financial services. 

  • Proactively detect and resolve bottlenecks and other performance-related issues resulting in interrupted service delivery and customer dissatisfaction. 


Glean transaction and trade information all the way down to raw machine data 

  • Monitor transaction details on-premises, in hybrid cloud environments or both. 

  • Parlay real-time visibility into valuable insight for managing payment processes, trade transactions and more. 

  • Get immediate alerts when discrepancies are detected in transactions, payment processing or other bank and trade-related activities. 

  • Set up and test user journeys to capture critical data about each step along the transaction pathway.  


Transform visibility of legacy applications into actionable intelligence across your entire IT stack 

  • Monitor infrastructure, legacy and advanced applications whether on-premises, in the cloud or a combination of both. 

  • Seamlessly extend monitoring and customize the platform to adapt to newer technologies as they are adopted by your financial services business. 

  • Easily integrate commonly used data sources, infrastructure elements and applications within a single monitoring platform. 

  • Manage and visualize all of the components of your IT stack within intuitive, customized dashboards.   

Investment banks - Address infrastructure weaknesses

Monitor real-time FIX messaging for instant trading room analysis and insights 

  • Leverage the customizable FIX Analyzer plug-in to monitor communications from pre-trade, to trade, to post-trade. 

  • Overlay trading activity with application and infrastructure metrics, such as fill rate, NACK, and cancellations to generate meaningful statistical summaries. 

  • Configure the FIX Analyzer to real-time views of FIX message flows to exchanges, clients, or FIX engines.  

  • View order status metrics and turnaround times per client, exchange, or instrument.  

Investment banks - Transaction flow

Use Market Data Monitoring to gain competitive advantage 

  • Analyze the performance and integrity of systems distributing market data while maintaining regulatory compliance.  
  • Monitor real-time data feeds, such as Refinitiv RTDS that supports a variety of use cases of global financial firms. 
  • Identify faulty or delayed data between different market feeds to see a continuous, clear picture of overall market data performance. 

Experience next-gen Finserv monitoring

The ITRS Platform is an all-in-one monitoring platform for financial institutions, deployed in 90% of tier-one IBs, across Retail Banks, Buy Sides, and Exchanges. Gain full visibility across your application stack. Talk to an expert today!