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ITRS Community Impact Day 2022

ITRS Group is committed to making a positive impact on the world. So, this year – for the first time - the ITRS Community Impact Day went global.

Our first global event, organised in just six short weeks, was a huge success, involving all our 10 offices around the world. We collectively spent 1,280 hours helping our local communities with over 160 staff members taking part. We cleaned canals and beaches, donated blood, delivered food, made soap, and met new colleagues along the way.

The enthusiasm was contagious.

The London team had a ball volunteering at Mudchute Farm, an escape to country life for inner city kids (young and old) with limited economic means. And many participated in making shoebox Christmas presents for the Samaritans as part of Operation Christmas Child. These activities were followed by a well-earned office BBQ for everyone.

London (98)

Manila was exceptionally busy - making soap in a workshop in the office, for Hands on Manila (who will distribute it to local public schools).


Our New York contingency traipsed the West side of Manhattan to deliver meals to isolated seniors for Encore Community Services.


In Stockholm a donation drive was organised to benefit Ukrainian needy, and there were also some community clean-up activities after a fortifying lunch.


Malaga spent some time cleaning up the beach followed by in-office recycling of old laptops which can then be donated.


Our Alphen team soaked up the sun while cleaning up the beautiful wide, sandy beaches of Wassenaar, Holland.


Reading had a full day, picking litter around the University campus, organising a food bank donation and helping out at a senior residential home, plus lunch!


Many of our remote colleagues pitched in too – from ironing for charity to litter picking and even volunteering at a non-profit dedicated to preserving local history.

West Midlands

Our colleagues all around the world also contributed today, working with dozens of various causes close to their hearts and communities. This day would not have been possible without everyone going above and beyond.

And this is just the start - we are going even bigger in 2023!