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The arrival of reserved instances, savings plans, and increased spend visibility being delivered by the Cloud providers themselves, and the inclination to use old rules of thumb to manage capacity in the Cloud, has lulled CIOs into a false sense of security.
Meanwhile, service providers and software resellers rarely step in to provide a key insight their customers need – Cloud Cost Optimisation may not be rocket science, but it certainly requires data science and a machine learning based tool to drive it.
Worse still, many act as though the systematic and computational optimisation of costs, and 'what if' scenario planning, are advanced actions that belong years ahead in the maturity model.
*Not only is Cloud spend growing at 22% per year, but both our direct experience and independent research tells us that up 70% of the first 18 months’ spend is wasted.
Who are ITRS Group?
ITRS Group are the experts in keeping the lights on. We've years of experience in the most demanding environments on the planet, where latency or outages can cost companies millions.