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CSR across regional ITRS Group offices

With the restrictions and our hybrid-office strategy in place due to the pandemic, it has been difficult to organise events and for teams to take part in the events, but in some of our locations we are fortunate to see a few of the ITRS offices have been able to organise events over the last month and have events in plan for in January: 


Mid December, ITRS colleagues in the Stockholm office baked and delivered cookies as part of a local volunteer initiative offering people in need a worthy Christmas celebration. 


Our colleagues in the Malaga office had two CSR activities taking place in the run up to Christmas. The first was a joint engagement together with other local companies in a blood donation to national health services. 
The second activity, in December, the Malaga team collected toys, used cloths which was donated to local charities in Malaga. Again, to support local causes and help those in need of a worthy Christmas celebration.

csr-malaga-01   csr-malaga-02


As we all appreciate, having access to open, safe, relaxing outdoor spaces is a vital part of maintaining overall wellbeing; especially during lockdown. The London office is taking part in a scrub /vegetation clearance and weeding initiative on the 27th January to help improve biodiversity at a site called The Paddock. This will make it a safer area for wildlife and a relaxing space for the local London residents to enjoy. 10 ITRS colleagues has already signed to join.