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infrastucture monitoring

ITRS Opsview Infrastructure Monitoring update

The beta version of our new Infrastructure Agent for Opsview has been released.

Due to growing security concerns and a demand for improved performance for the underlying technologies behind both our Linux and Windows agents, we have developed a new agent to replace them. The new Infrastructure Agent is supported on both Linux and Windows platforms, provides improved performance, is more secure (as validated by 3rd party security testing) and will act as a strong foundation to enhance with more functionality going forward.

The Infrastructure Agent is designed to be a replacement for the existing (NRPE and NSClient) Agents and operates on servers running on either Windows or Linux systems.

The Infrastructure Agent enables communication between systems by running a daemon that Opsview Monitor Collectors can use to interrogate the status of the system. It provides some default plugins (for checking on RAM, CPU, and DISK, among others) that Host Templates within Opsview Monitor can make use of straight away but can be extended with additional plugins.

Packages such as .msi, .deb, and .rpm are available for both Linux and Windows installation.

Dashboard Updates
In Opsview version 6.7.6 released on 2nd November we have introduced the following new features to our dashboards.

Two new Netflow dashlets:
•    Receivers Protocol Trend - Display the top ports and protocols used to receive data, as recorded by the source device (such as a switch or firewall) that supports netflow/sflow.
•    Transmitters Protocol Trend - Display the top ports and protocols used to transmit data, as recorded by the source device (such as a switch or firewall) that supports netflow/sflow.



The ability to select historical time ranges to the following dashlets:

•    Performance Graph
•    Receivers Protocol Trend
•    Transmitters Protocol Trend

A new Dashboard Time Range Sync mode to synchronize cursors and zooming across supported dashlets.

What’s next?

New documentation site
In January we are launching our new online documentation for Opsview, replacing Opsview Knowledge Center with ITRS Documentation site.

The new documentation site covers Opsview version 6.7 and above. For documentation covering older versions, please go to the Opsview Knowledge Center.

Knowledge Center